Free video class

Prepare Yourself for Your Art to be Seen.

Showing up is only half the battle. Being seen is the other half. As an artist, there are few things more anxiety-producing than putting yourself and your artwork out into the world to be seen and scrutinized.

Do you get excited sharing your art with your friends and family? Maybe you love that part? I do. But I know every time I share a piece of art, I am making myself hugely vulnerable to criticism. And we all know, especially in social media groups, people are not always kind or generous.

So how do you overcome the fear of showing your art to strangers? How do you overcome imposter syndrome and show up with your head held high knowing you are an artist and what you have to offer the world is valuable? How do you get past the “I don’t know hows,” and the anxiety of revealing a part of your self in your art? How do you prepare yourself for the good, bad and the ugly commentary that may come your way once you share your art? What’s the best way to quiet your inner critic?

Let me help you arm yourself with tools to prepare you for getting your art out into the world. Showing your art can be FUN!

And artists need exposure to gain credibility and ultimately potential sales. Art shows are the perfect venue for networking with other artists, collaborators, mentors and people who ultimately can become your biggest fans--Collectors!

There is both prestige in being included in an art show and opportunity for receiving valuable feedback to continue to improve your artworks.

Let me help you with the step-by-step and process-by-process means of getting beyond the fear of rejection, the fear of not doing it right, not being good enough or not knowing what you are doing at all in the process of showing your art.



April 1, 2024
11:00am Eastern Time

4-Days of Video Classes packed with hints, tips, exercises and methods for moving past the fear and doing it anyway--starts April 1 at 11 a.m. Each day a new video class will be released through April 4. The classes will be available for viewing through April 8 at 11:30 p.m. Eastern

This event includes exclusive access to:

  • Processes for releasing negative beliefs
  • Processes for creating new, nourishing beliefs
  • Coaching for setting a new mindset
  • Coaching to overcome your inner critic
  • Materials and suggestions for stopping imposter syndrome
  • FREE expanded list of Art Styles to help you identify and define your own art style
  • FREE "Define Your Style" Worksheet
  • Earlybird access to my Masterclass: HOW TO PREPARE YOURSELF AND YOUR ART TO BE SEEN AND SHOWN with guidance for finding shows, preparing artwork submissions, and actually showing your art in the world

If you have creative friends who are artists or writers or know someone or a group of people who may be interested in this free video class, please share this information with them. Cut and paste this URL to share:

Taught by Stephanie Zing

I’m a full-time artist with a studio for over 20 years, have taught hundreds of students and shown my art in over 100 shows including multiple solo art shows.

I am also a certified Life Coach and a certified NLP Master Practitioner. My background in art instruction and organizational project management combine with my personal interest in guiding others through the use of coaching techniques.

My studio Bohemian Art Café


my Coaching Practice Potentials Life Coaching

woman holding art book inside art studio

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